Not sure
what you
want to be when you grow up?
Already grown up and looking for a course correct?
There is a ton of pressure to find your path in life.
No matter your age or circumstance, it’s never too late to explore the universe of potential careers out there.
If you can dream it, you can do it.
But the vast number of options and careers available can give you analysis paralysis, or even leave you feeling anxious about making the wrong decision.
Enter Perspectiv. A virtual, all-access pass to your dream career!
“ Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.”
- Jennifer Lee
Know what you're getting into BEFORE investing in higher ed or pursuing the wrong career altogether.
Our experts share their current, authentic, and real-world experience with you in captivating video interviews.
These trailers are just a glimpse into
the in-depth interviews we offer in the
ever-expanding Perspectiv Universe!
Explore an industry before you commit, and get crystal clear insight into what that “dream job” is going to require.
You don’t have to get sucked into the black hole of trying to figure out your future in one day.
Think of us as … your career guide equation.
job shadowing + mentors + career day =
Perspectiv Career Telescope
"You don't have to figure out what you're going to do for the rest of your life.
You just have to figure out what you're going to do next."
There's A LOT to explore out there. We know. We've been there!
SPOILER ALERT: There's no wrong choice. You can always change your mind.
There's no need to feel overwhelmed. Relax. Breathe. Stop stressing.
Come explore with us.
Perspectiv Is Your Tour Guide Through the Career Galaxies
Ready for liftoff? Take your time, go at your own pace, and explore the limitless possibilities in the Perspectiv Universe.
More people are switching careers than ever before. People are finally prioritizing their happiness and you can join the movement too!
In our Course Correct Galaxy, hear from a:
Nuclear pharmacist turned food truck owner
Nurse turned tattoo artist
Airplane mechanics turned entrepreneurs
Doctor turned filmmaker
Teacher turned studio potter
Bartender turned airline pilot
And so many more!
There's a world of opportunity out there.
Perspectiv can help you blaze a new trail.
Countless people have dedicated years of their lives and accrued insurmountable debt pursuing a “dream job” that ends up being a complete nightmare. Many people are so discontented with the work they do that it negatively affects their mood, their lives, and the lives of those around them.
That’s where we come in. Our mission at Perspectiv is to help as many people as possible live meaningful, impactful, and happy lives by helping them
select the right career path.
Imagine if YOU reached your individual potential and answered your career calling.
Now imagine if all of society did that ... what an amazing world it would be!
We’re creating a world where anyone considering a particular path can form their own opinion based on the honest experiences of those who have walked before them.
It is our goal to help as many people as possible find their purpose in life.
Help Us Give Back
By signing up for a Launch Membership, you will automatically aid in our buy-one-gift-one business model. For every member AND every interviewee, we will gift a membership to a person in need.
Because we believe that everyone deserves to shoot for the stars.
Have questions about how to receive a scholarship?